1·The average 30 minute slot of television programming has 8-9 minutes of commercials.
2·The audience certainly want the television programming without commercial breaks.
3·Music videos are so popular that they haw become an important part of television programming in many countries.
4·As broadcasters elsewhere have found, mobile viewers "snack" on 15 minutes or so of television programming at a time.
5·"Almost every country that has an open society is going to have some kind of opinion television programming," says Mr Shine.
6·Schmidt expected television studios to warm to Google TV, an offering that combines the Internet and standard television programming.
1施密特期待电视制作室能够对Google TV给予更多关注,Google电视是传统互电视和互联网的一种结合。
7·Television programming is already far more integrated - and provides far more uplifting black role models - than almost any other institution in American life.
8·The results have implications for everything from the content of children's television programming to interpreting bullying behavior, University of Calgary psychologist Penny Pexman said.
9·The company delivers about a dozen hours of television programming (" Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ") to local stations each week, and its Broadway unit has toured "the Lion King," among other shows.
该公司每周向当地传送十几个小时的电视节目(像米奇俱乐部(Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)),他的百老汇剧组在其他的演出中巡回演出《狮子王》。
10·Selling these new applications as applications is akin to selling additional channels of television programming on one common pipe - the coaxial cable which your CATV brings to your house.
作为产品来销售这些新的宽带应用技术与销售同一根管道(CAT V铺设到你家里的同轴电缆)上增加的额外的电视节目频道的道理一样。